Hi, I’m Phoebe!

Hi there! I'm Phoebe, a 12-year-old actor who loves to perform, sing, and lend my voice to exciting characters. Whether I'm on stage, in front of a camera, or behind a microphone, I'm all about bringing stories to life! If you'd like to know more about me and my adventures in acting (and maybe a bit about my pets), click here to explore my full bio. It's nice to meet you!


Demo Reel

Phoebe's latest demo reel

Voiceover Reel

Phoebe's Voiceover Reel


Penelope Scene (InStudio)

Our Mother

Our Mother Reelarc reel

About Phoebe

Phoebe, an enchanting young actress, embarked on her artistic journey at the age of four when she crossed the Atlantic from the United Kingdom to the USA. With a portfolio that includes student films like 'For the River to Take' and 'To My Father on My Wedding Day,' modeling campaigns with Adidas, and a wide range of voice-over roles—including the gripping horror series 'Safe Society'—she's an incredibly versatile talent.

Her disciplined approach to mastering her craft is reflected in her enrollment at the North Carolina Theater Conservatory Pre-Professional Department and the advanced coaching program at the renowned Le Blanc School of Acting. More than just a young face, Phoebe brings an extraordinary maturity to her roles, mastering scripts and following direction with an ease that captivates audiences.

What elevates Phoebe is her relentless pursuit of excellence, apparent in every take and rehearsal. Her professionalism and genuine enthusiasm for her roles make her a magnetic presence on any set. Equally adept at unsettling audiences in horror films or evoking laughter in comedies, Phoebe's radiant smile and dynamic personality make her a compelling choice for a spectrum of roles.

Driven by her enthusiasm for intense roles, Phoebe has her sights set on the horror genre, eager to delve into the deep emotional complexities that such parts often offer.

Offstage, Phoebe's love for animals reflects her warm and sincere personality. An equestrian and devoted animal lover, she enjoys downtime at home playing with her dog, two guinea pigs, and two cats.


Southeast Representation:

1816 Bonnibee Court, Raleigh, NC 27612
+1 (919)785-1223
[email protected]